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Financial Planning


We believe that failing to plan is planning to fail. Let us assist you in gauging your current financial portfolio and measuring it up to your current needs and future goals.

Life Insurance


Most of us have dreams and plans of what the future will bring. But unfortunately these aspirations can be wrecked by medical illness or accidents. We can assist you to protect yourself and your family against the financial "curve balls" of life.

Short Term Insurance


We have access to top personal and commercial insurers in order to provide you with affordable and comprehensive insurance to protect your most prized possessions.

Medical Aid


It is a daunting task to fully understand the workings and pitfalls of South African medical aids. There is great value in appointing an independent adviser to assist you in choosing the correct medical aid option.

Investment Advice


We are able to provide you with investment advice and regulated products to cater for your short-, medium-, and long term investment needs. It is of great importance to us to provide our clients with good and honest advice. Investment choices must be in the best interest of the investor and not the adviser.

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